Wednesday 21 March 2018

Hair Care Tips

Every evening before bedtime, give a head massage to stimulate circulation and promote hair growth. The tension you hold in your forehead is also transferred to your scalp, so even though it’s seemingly unrelated, add some form of meditation practice into your routine to release pressure.

Foods to eat for stronger hair:


If you want to grow strong hair, focus specifically on eating sufficient amounts of clean proteins. It can be quite hard to do this without eating animal proteins, but if you are opting for a vegetarian diet, include plenty of eggs. Secondly, eat adequate amounts of vegetables and fermented foods to keep inflammation at bay. Feeding the microbiome with raw and cooked vegetables (especially celery and asparagus) .

Brewer's Yeast:

On your vegetables, add 1 heaping tablespoon of brewer's yeast. Rich in B vitamins, this will fortify your hair as well as add a delicious flavor to your dressing.

Prenatal vitamins:

For two months (cleared by your doctor, of course), supplement your diet with a high-quality whole-food prenatal vitamin. This one addition will certainly boost your hair growth and hair quality.

 Avoid dieting programs:

Most importantly, avoid any yo-yo dieting or fasting programs. Any change in diet or low protein intake will unnecessarily weaken the shaft as well as stress the follicle, which can lead to hair loss.


Particularly salmon or mackerel: These slick fish contain bunches of omega-3 unsaturated fats that keep your scalp and skin sound. They additionally strip cholesterol from the blood and keep your heart solid. Attempt to eat angle 2-3 times each week.

Best practices to avoid hair breakage:

Once a week, Apply a DIY protein mask. combine an egg white, 1 tablespoon of castor oil, half a banana, 1 tablespoon of honey, and 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt. Mash the ingredients together into a paste-like consistency and apply it to the entire scalp and hair. Leave on for 30 minutes or longer under a warm head bonnet and towel and rinse with warm water and a very small amount of a mild pH balanced shampoo.

Try not to brush the hair when it is wet, as it can rip easily that way. Adopting the ayurvedic beauty practice of Bhringraj oil could be beneficial, too. Bhringraj is oil made of Eclipta Alba and sesame, which can be bought at an Indian store or can also be made at home. Eclipta Alba has been used for centuries and in studies has been shown to be an effective growth promoter.

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