Thursday 29 March 2018

Tips To Stay Cool In Summer

The scorching sun and heat waves announce the arrival of summer season. With the arrival of summer, you get worried about how to tackle or combat the unbearable heat. Sweating, dehydration, skin irritation, heat stroke, and suntan are common disturbing factors during the summer months. several Indian cities are going to face hotter days in the coming to help you stay cool.

Staying hydrated is a must during this season. drink at least 2-3 litres of water every day to stay hydrated during summer months. Water, keeps the body hydrated when half of body’s fluid gets released in the form of sweat. Along with water, drink fruit juices, coconut water and lime water. A cool shower also washes off sweat from the body and prevents the growth of boils and prickles.

Air conditioning generates cool air around the house that serves as protection from the heat outside. Those who do not have air conditioner at home may choose to hang out in air-conditioned places like cafes and malls. 

For those who want to stay home, create a DIY air conditioner with a bowl of ice cubes and a fan. When the fan’s breeze blows across the cubes, it will melt and evaporate, causing the ice-cooled air to spread and help cool off an area. simple yet effective way to lower the body temperature is by spraying yourself with cold water from a spray bottle in the refrigerator. spraying water over the body’s pulse points like the neck, wrist and temples of the head – where blood vessels are closer to the surface of our skin – can help the body cool down. Make sure to bring a hand towel to wipe off excess water.

Wearing loose long sleeves and pants keeps the sun off your skin and keep you cooler. Plus, you can dip the shirt in water for an extra cooling effect. Body hugging clothes in the summer can cause a bunch of problems from body rashes and headaches to yeast infections and fainting. wearing loose clothes, especially cotton, is a sure way to enjoy the summer instead of letting it bring you down. we were taught in school that darker colours tend to absorb more heat.remember this in the summer and wear only light coloured clothing. the trick will help you avoid many a sweaty situation.

Fill a bucket with cold water or ice and soak your feet in it for 15 to 20 minutes right before you sleep.The coolness will transfer to your body, instantly bringing your body temperature down making you feel cooler.It is the same principle our moms apply when they put cold cloths on our foreheads when we have a fever. In this case it even saves electricity.

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